Test roll that turned out better than expected

Ever lowered your expectations?

I was lucky enough to get a bunch of good cameras for a cheap price, that I wanted to shoot a test roll on each and flip them. Worked out well for most, but the camera I used here – Pentax Espio 140M – I sold before I could develop the roll. And it’s been a while… Finally, the roll, which is Agfa APX 100, shot at ox speed, turned out pretty good to me. The lens is not perfect, but the shots I have from it are some that I always appreciated, hence there will be a lot of frames shown here.

The below images are from an ex-industrial site turned into a hub for smaller businesses in Rottweil. The history of those buildings and the area is going back to pre-WW2 era and many of them are in a great shape – renovated already or still waiting for their turn, I guess.

The city itself and its surroundings also gave me some inspiration to take a shot:

The remainder of the roll I shot randomly, but I am also happy with what I captured:

APX 100 is a roll with a higher contrast, saying from experience of a handful of rolls I used in the past, but for all the above shots I raised the contrast a bit and decreased the highlights, because it was still shot on a point and shoot camera.

Overall, I am glad I could try it out and I hope the new owner of this camera is happy with it, just like I am with the results I presented.

If you are wondering, if APX 100 is for you – just see for yourself. I think it is a good budget roll, so give it a try.

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