Test roll that turned out better than expected

Ever lowered your expectations? I was lucky enough to get a bunch of good cameras for a cheap price, that I wanted to shoot a test roll on each and flip them. Worked out well for most, but the camera…

Forgotten roll of Kodak Gold

Almost 1 year in camera… I loaded my Canon 5 with a roll of Kodak Gold back in July 2023 and after a few shots… my battery died. It was a reachargable one, I guess due to constant use in…

Expired Ilford Delta 100 on a Hasselblad 500C/M

As the year 2022 was coming to an end I got a chance to walk around Lisbon with a Hasselblad 500C/M and take some photos on a medium format film – Ilford Delta 100. The film was expired and a…

Revisiting the past

It's been many years since the family fell apart and he lost contact with aunties and cousins. What he saw upon his return...

Poland on film a year later


Back in October 2021 I finally went for a visit to Poland again. This time I had my Canon EOS 5 with me and only a few rolls – Ilford FP4+ (that was already in the camera) and HP5+ (shot…

Expired roll of Kodak Gold 100

Bought this roll of film some time last year and I shot it at box speed with my Minolta AF-Tele Super, as this camera does not have a feature to set the film speed manually. The film came with no…