Fomapan 100 shot at ISO 50
I’m still not shooting much film lately, meh, not even shooting with my digital camera, thanks to the lovely C***D19.
But that roll of Fomapan 100 was waiting in my fridge for nearly a year and one beautiful weekend I managed to take some pictures, but I set the speed to ISO 50 – after reading online that this is closer to its real sensitivity.
One more reason to do it was that I wanted to try our new developer – Kodak HC110 (we were using TMax before).
I must say I am very happy with the places I visited and the shots I took on this film. I was using my Canon EOS 5 (aka A2) and a 16-35mm Canon lens with polarizer.
I developed it with Kodak’s dilution B, which according to Massive Dev Chart gave me an 8 minute long developing with continuous agitation (I managed 🙂 ).
As soon as the film dried I scanned it and you can see the results below. This time I also give an example before and after editing, but it was just a little touch of contrast and in some cases highlights and shadows balancing.
The grain? Very fine!
I will be doing this combo again in the future, I’m glad I tested this and I’m very happy to share the results with you.