Winter on Kodak Gold?
Cold scenes on a warm film???
Hey hey hello! I never shot winter on film, ok? Not counting my one and only attempt when I was maybe… 13 years old? Still have those pictures, not the negatives and they look below “meh”. But here I present you some winter (like real winter) shots made with my Canon A1.
I was totally afraid some of those will not come up as intended, because of the temperature of -11ºC. But the cold and clear skies made me go outside anyway and I did this:

Of course I had to adjust these in post, but this is how it looked with my own human eyes 🙂

As I am writing this (a few days in advance) the weather is very hot, so those photos really helped me cool down… Yeah, not really. But back then I was thinking of having the summer back 🙂
And last, but not least – I present to you the #firstoftheroll :

Hope you are enjoying your weekend, too! 🙂