Ilford HP5+ shot at ISO 160

I think it’s OK to admit that I made a mistake. Mistake – because I didn’t change ISO on my camera after shooting a roll of Portra at ISO 160. So when I inserted a new roll of Ilford HP5+…
I think it’s OK to admit that I made a mistake. Mistake – because I didn’t change ISO on my camera after shooting a roll of Portra at ISO 160. So when I inserted a new roll of Ilford HP5+…
Didn’t publish anything in here for a while, but doesn’t mean I am idle – at least not in photography 🙂 Using all this time spent at home I am shooting some more film. A roll of Portra and an…
Back in 2019 I decided to take part in a collective exhibition organized through a Facebook group – Lisbon Analogue Photography. The initial plan was to show our photos in 2 different spots – Livraria Ferin and Ler Devagar –…
Just wanted to quickly let you know that opening of our collective exhibition happened yesterday and this time we are exhibiting our analogue photos at Ler Devagar in LX Factory. You can see it all for free until 22nd March.…
With a great pleasure I would like to announce that I am part of an exhibition organized by Lisbon Analogue Photography collective. The vernissage will take place on 14th November at 6pm and you can see all the works for…
Finally got the film developed and scanned. It was with me since January… Inês (@kalliekalynn) is a local girl I met last year during the 24 Hour Project and we kept in touch. It also turned out she is very…