Ilford HP5+ shot at ISO 160

I think it’s OK to admit that I made a mistake. Mistake – because I didn’t change ISO on my camera after shooting a roll of Portra at ISO 160. So when I inserted a new roll of Ilford HP5+ it was shot at the wrong speed. Or “wrong”? I only realised this by the end of the roll, but it has been saved – by developing it shorter than standard ISO 400 roll of this kind. So basically I have a roll of Ilford HP5+ ISO 400 shot at ISO 160 and developed as ISO 200. Feel lost yet? 🙂 Fear not, it came out from the tank in a good shape. Check the result by yourself. And if you want to see more, check out the rest of the photos I liked on my Behance page:

And now a bonus, because it brings good vibes. We met this man, the goat keeper, and he was very happy to allow us take a photo of him. Do you think he would be even happier, if he received a print of this picture? 🙂

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