Old, but still sensitive
I mean… expired and sensitive to light.
We are talking about a roll of Kodak Elitechrome 200 here, OK? One that has been given to me for my birthday already some years back, but only recently developed. If you are familiar with shooting expired film, then you probably know that positive film ages differently, but taking into account a few other rolls of the same film, same batch, same provider (yes, NARC) I just knew I can count on some good quality grain (shooting at ISO 100 was my choice this time).

For this roll my idea was to use it for shooting in the nature, so while wandering around exploring some areas near home. It ended up being a mix of things anyway 🙂

These are first few frames and then I walked more often around the residential areas and as I was tempted to keep the shots for later, I had to, I just had to…

And my favorite shots from the roll:

Even though the grain is pretty significant on that roll, I totally don’t mind it and hey, I shoot film also for the grain!
Now pay your cat tax!

Until next time!